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Author of an essay

Author of an essay

author of an essay

Apr 30,  · An essay is a formal piece of literature that unlike article doesn't require mentioning of author's name. In an article you write the author's name just below the title, to the right hand corner. If there is a need to include the author's name 1 day ago · Hardest part of writing a dissertation essay on an act, learning foreign language in primary school essay. English essay past paper pms an an to essay in refer to author How. Example essay writing stpm. Words you can use in essay graduate program admission essay, planting trees in the school garden essay. Essay on the farmer for class 4 Author essay. Free Essays. CapitalPunishment. Capitalpunishment refers to the legally approved killing of a person aspunishment for an offence (Evans ). The execution of criminals hasbeen widely used in human civilization to punish and to serve as adeterrent of potential offenders. Depending on respective societies,capital punishment is Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

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Capitalpunishment refers to the legally approved killing of a person aspunishment for an offence Evans The execution of criminals hasbeen widely used in human civilization to punish and to serve as adeterrent of potential offenders. Depending on respective societies,capital punishment is carried out in various means such as hanging,electrocution, firing squad, lethal injection, crucifixion, burning,and stoning among others. Nevertheless, in modern times capitalpunishment has been an increasingly controversial topic especiallypertaining to ethical implications Prejean Killing for thepurpose of author of an essay or punishment is highly questionable becauseit gives some people the right to oversee the livelihood of others, author of an essay.

Furthermore, there are other implications pertaining to error injudgment and sentencing. The objective of this essay is to discussthe fact that capital punishment is wrong and should not be used as ameans of punishing offenders. Ethicallyspeaking, killing is never right because human life is very valuablebecause there is always the possibility for reformation.

Capitalpunishment is carried out on individuals who commit unthinkablecrimes such as murder, author of an essay, severe cases of rape, or treason. However,while such crimes are very serious there is no justification forkilling a human being despite the dreadful nature of a committedoffense. In fact, the argument against capital punishment is has morejustification because it is supported by the implications of humanrights. Subsequently, this goes against the very premise of fairness andregard for human life.

Quite frankly, author of an essay, government has the obligationto uphold human rights despite the surrounding circumstances. Forexample, the United Constitution clearly shuns capital punishment inthe 8 th amendment. The 8 th amendment clearly prohibits the government from imposing cruel andunusual punishment Fitzpatrick This idea has been widelyignored by the government since many offenders have been executedsince the amendment was introduced in the 18 th century.

The Supreme Court has been guilty of overstepping the lawparticularly in the Greggvs. Georgia casein when it author of an essay the execution of Troy Leon Gregg Fitzpatrick In this case, the Supreme Court unethically set the legalframework for imposing cruel and unusual punishment.

According tosources, the Supreme Court argued that the death penalty should onlybe imposed on the most severe crimes, author of an essay. Retributionis another word for payback, revenge, or retaliation. Many peopleconsider capital punishment as the most effective means of punishingoffenders. However, punishment without giving an offender the chanceto repent is simply selfish and outrageous.

Therefore, capitalpunishment can only be considered as a means of retribution and notpunishment, author of an essay. Retribution or revenge is a result of human emotion andnot a product of logical thought.

Forgiving a wrong is not anemotional reaction because it emanates rational reasoning. Rationalreasoning is not veiled by emotions author of an essay it is usually characterizedby fairness and understanding. Killing someone forkilling another person only begets a continuous cycle of retribution Evans For many, retribution is a form of providing closure tooffended individuals. But in the real sense this sense of closurewhich comes from killing an offender is a product of a continuouscycle of retribution.

According to Raymond Schroth who is a professorat St. Just asexpressing anger simply makes us angrier. It does not drain author of an essay. Therefore,capital punishment emanates from clouded thinking which does notpermit room for constructive thought. Collins casein In the case Justice Blackmun claimed that:. Thissubjective approach when deciding on whether a person should live ordie can only be directed on an emotional level.

The focus here isonly on retribution and not from a disciplinary state of mind by thesentence. Theeffectiveness of capital punishment in deterring crime is alsoquestionable. As mentioned above, capital punishment is anemotionally based means of attaining closure, author of an essay. As a result, there is no realdeterrence even for potential offenders.

Realistically, very fewoffenders commit capital crimes thinking about the author of an essay. Therefore, the assumption that capital punishment deters crime is amere assumption. In fact, socialscience research discredits the claims that capital punishment lowersthe numbers of homicide related deaths. The research actuallyindicates that long term imprisonment actually is more effective indeterring capital offenses compared to the death penalty.

Moreover,capital punishment does not necessarily deter crime it actuallycreates a need for retribution. The loved ones of an executedindividual are likely to feel alienated especially in cases ofwrongful convictions. As a result, based on their temperament it ispossible that they seek revenge through killing. From thisperspective it is very difficult to see whether the thought of facingcapital punishment is present. This is an alarming statistic whichactually supports the fact that capital punishment is wrong andshould be abolished.

Sources indicate that only a handful of people areallowed to view executions including members of the media and a fewhandpicked witnesses.

Democratically speaking this is wrong becauseit is the people who make the rights the government is only thevoice of the people. Zachary Shemtob and David Lat are right in theirclaim that executions should be televised Gariola. People need tosee the grim nature of executions because it will help them get arealistic perspective. Most people support capital punishment butthey have never the opportunity to see exactly what they arecondoning.

Capitalpunishment is very discriminatory since it only affects minoritiesand the poor. After taking into account the long historyof racism in America is safe to assume that African Americans havebeen unfairly targeted by the American criminal justice system.

Additionally, poor people are also the most likely to get executedbut not because they are guilty of the crimes they are accused of.

Being poor and facing the possibility of capital punishment isdevastating because it is directly related to the quality of legalrepresentation, author of an essay. State or federal appointed legal representatives areoften nonchalant in carrying out their roles. Consequently, manyalleged offenders face execution even when they are not guilty. Statistics indicate that approximately death penalty sentenceshave been overturned in the US during the last 30 years.

Most ofthese individuals are of Author of an essay American descent and are also on thelower income bracket. According to anti-death penalty activist HelenPrejean, capital punishment is very unfair because individualswithout the capital get the punishment Prejean Beingcolored and poor is very deadly because it makes an individualvulnerable to police and prosecutorial delinquency and incompetentand inexperienced defense attorneys.

Therefore, the criminal justicesystem is essentially broken since it is unable to provide equality. It is highly unlikely for a wealthy citizen who has committed acapital offense to receive the death penalty. EdwardKoch is one of the many individuals who support the death penalty.

According to the essay: Deathand Justice: How Capital Punishment Affirms Life, Koch believes that the death penalty is necessary in society Koch Moreover, capital punishment forces an offender to appreciate thetrue importance of life. However, this is a distorted perspectivebecause capital punishment is an irreversible form of punishment andthe offender does not get to learn anything because he or she is soondead.

Bruceclaims that human life is valuable and there needs to be punitivemeasures for anyone who chooses to dishonor that dignity Ehrlich While this perspective is true, killing an offender is a meansof creating a chain of murder in a broken system which is full ofhuman error.

Retribution is not a means of honoring life because itdoes the direct opposite because offenders are also human beings whoare subject to the same dignity. Inconclusion, capital punishment is wrong and should be abolished fromsociety. A closer look reveals that human error and discriminationmake capital punishment unfair and unethical. Capital punishment isonly a means of retribution which leaves people destroys.

Bowers,William J. Evans,Richard J. Ritualsof Retribution: capital punishment in Germany, Oxford University Press on Demand, Georgia Koch,Edward I, author of an essay. Deadman walking: An eyewitness account of the death penalty in the United States. Vintage, Skip to content Home Free Essays Author essay.

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author of an essay

Apr 30,  · An essay is a formal piece of literature that unlike article doesn't require mentioning of author's name. In an article you write the author's name just below the title, to the right hand corner. If there is a need to include the author's name Aug 28,  · How to Write an Authors’ Name in an APA Essay. When writing the author's name in APA, you should use their surname and initials of their other names. You should only provide initials for the first and middle names. However, don’t 1 day ago · Hardest part of writing a dissertation essay on an act, learning foreign language in primary school essay. English essay past paper pms an an to essay in refer to author How. Example essay writing stpm. Words you can use in essay graduate program admission essay, planting trees in the school garden essay. Essay on the farmer for class 4

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