· You are here because you have been tasked to complete an assignment. This sample guide (Essay Sample on Academic Journal) illustrates what is expected, and how you are expected to complete your blogger.com can use this sample guide with proper reference; if you are looking for an assignment to submit, please contact us for a non-plagiarized paper Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins 2. A standard “journal” assignment: students keep a journal or diary of their travels, recording whatever interests them, moves them, excites them, occupies them. I recommend writing in this at least every other day. Many students report that this becomes their most cherished piece of writing from the trip. Evaluation: I don’t want to see it Assignment On Character Journal Analysis. Words7 Pages. 'Character Journal' Assignment: Re-understanding through Rosenblatt and Britton. Context of the Challenging Situation One aspect of my student-teaching experience involved working with my mentor teacher on pre-existing plans for her grade 8 English language arts (ELA) class
Journal Entries - Common Assignments - Academic Guides at Walden University
The name of the journal I chose my journal assignment from is Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, journal assignment. For whom does it seem to have been written? For example, is it directed toward a special kind of psychologist? Does it include articles that would be of journal assignment to educators or others outside the field of academic psychology? If so, list several titles. I can see this particular article being utilized by quite a few different people.
This article would even make a wonderful teaching tool for parents of young drivers in order to emphasize the importance of giving the roads and driving conditions their utmost attention.
Overall I feel that this article could have advantages to every person who reads it, not only teachers or parents but everyone that drives on our streets and highways. Choose a representative research article whose title interests you. Write the name of its title and briefly explain why it interests you.
The reason I chose this particular article is because it hits journal assignment, it is relative to me and my family. I must confess that I am guilty of talking on the cell phone or having in depth conversations with my passengers while driving my vehicle, journal assignment.
The times when I am not on the phone or when I am driving alone I notice other drivers talking on their cell phones and also having conversations with their passengers.
Not only did this article appeal to my because of my driving habits but also because I know that society in whole participate in these behaviors as well. This article demonstrates the marked decrease in response time and concentration that is needed to truly be a safe and defensive driver on the roadways, something that I and all drivers should consider paramount for our safety and the safety of others. One of the many hats I wear is that I volunteer as a Texas State Licensed E.
with a local volunteer fire department and see what really happens when that response time and concentration of drivers is interfered with. There have been scenes when thoughts of my own family flash in my mind and even though I see the ramifications of what this article covers, journal assignment, these habits are among the journal assignment to break.
Does the author state the hypothesis of the research study? This study will demonstrate, by use of simulated driving, how driving acuity becomes markedly deficient when drivers utilize cell phones while driving as opposed to carrying on conversations with passengers in the same vehicle, journal assignment.
The study population included 96 adults who ranged in age from 18 years old to 49 years old with 20 years of age being the average age. Of the participants 47 were women and 49 participants were men. Does the article contain a section on the method used in conducting the study? Describe the method.
The study population was chosen and the experiment was thoroughly explained to them and their acknowledgement was verified by a signed informed consent, journal assignment. The facilitators of this experiment acquired the necessary driving simulator that was manufactured by L3 Communications I-Sim. The simulator was loaded with a database consisting of a mile multilane beltway to include on and off-ramps, overpasses, and two-lane traffic in both directions.
A maximum speed limit journal assignment 65 miles per hour was implemented and visibility was programmed to be optimal. The participants were familiarized with the simulator by using three 5-minute simulated driving scenarios. The scenarios included driving at night in a rural area, another situation was driving in a downtown area involving minimal navigation around various traffic barricades, and the last was daytime highway driving.
After every participant was familiarized with the simulator one participant was randomly selected to drive and journal assignment other participant, bases on experimental conditions, journal assignment, was either the passenger or talking on the cell phone to the driver from a different location. The participants were assigned to either speaker or listener and were asked to share a story that they had not discussed in the past. The study consisted of a single-task assignment and a dual-task assignment, journal assignment.
The single task assignment only involved the driver driving the vehicle and the dual-task assignment involved the driver either talking on the cell phone or talking to a passenger in the same vehicle. Several different journal assignment were taken of driving performance under various circumstances. The measure of operational level was based on how well the participants stayed in the center of their lane without lateral movements and various drifting.
In the tactical level speed and following distances were analyzed. The experiment method was used to establish the cause-and effect relationship between the driving conditions of using the cell phone or conversing with passengers. The journal assignment variables in this experiment were the use of the cell phone for the driver of the vehicle and the conversations taking place while driving.
The dependent variable is identified as the driving ability of the driver without the introduction of the cell phone or conversation taking place in the vehicles, journal assignment.
Although the dyad differed by 1 participant, it did point out that the journal assignment differences in driving performance could, in fact, be contributed to the differences in actual driving experience. This article also pointed out that the fact that they were actually measuring, card drift, was greater with drivers involved in cell phone conversations than with conversations with passengers in the same vehicle, journal assignment.
They journal assignment not notice much, if any, change in the driving speed but a significant difference in the actual following journal assignment with users of the cell phones. Perhaps this could be because the users of the cell phones know that when they are on the cell phones they need the extra distance in order to have more time to journal assignment to traffic situations.
As far as navigation journal assignment goes, the drivers who carried on cell phone conversations were four times more likely to fail the task at hand compared to those in the passenger conditions.
It was also uncovered that those involved with conversations with passengers in the same vehicle made more referenced to current traffic conditions and thus were more cognoscente of what was actually happening on the road. It is concluded in this article that although there were differenced in the operational, strategic and tactical levels that conversation data suggests the probability that passengers take a more active role in supporting the driver, journal assignment.
The passengers pointed out driving situations that the driver may have missed, similar to having an extra set of eyes on the road for you. What is your reaction to the research article? For example, were there sections that you found difficult to understand?
Why or why not? Reading this article was definitely an eye opening experience, not only did it specifically point out the quantitive decline in driving acuity but it also, for me, reiterated the potential dangers that my behaviors can bring about. I feel safe in assuming that society is aware of the dangers of talking on the cell phone when driving or carrying on conversations while driving but this study gives proven results of the dangers. To have the measurements equivalent to driving intoxicated was astounding.
There were several references in the measurements section that contained quite a few different formulas that were used to compile the data. I found myself reading over that section a few times to understand exactly what and how they were measuring the data that had been gathered. Through all the reading and information that I gathered from this article I am convinced that the conclusion reached is accurate. It not only makes sense on a personal level but with the quantitive results that were presented gives little leeway to the contrary.
Summarize the article in your own words. How did it benefit you and how might it benefit us if we were to read it? By utilizing a specialized driving simulator the participants journal assignment exposed to several different driving scenarios in the form of operational, tactical, and strategic levels of driving. The authors presented the information in a professional manner, journal assignment, taking into effect the differences between age groups and driving experiences, journal assignment.
The authors gave enough information for the experiment to be reproduced by supplying the readers with specific information about the simulator used, the age demographic of the participants, the system used to familiarize the study group with the simulators and the different driving scenarios.
The authors provided all the necessary formulas that they utilized when gathering their data and eventually reaching the measures that they arrived at.
Not only did the authors present all the information on how they conducted their research they provided concrete information on how the study group performed under each driving circumstance, journal assignment. They presented the information in ways that could be informative to anyone who reads the article.
The article will give journal assignment readers proof that driving while on the cell phone, even a hands free unit, provides certain hazards to journal assignment driver and those on the road with them.
It would be beneficial to those who read the article to modify their driving habits when it comes to conversing on the cell phones as opposed to conversing with their passengers in the same vehicle.
They will see that passenger conversations aid in the process of navigating and being aware of the different driving conditions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: AppliedVol.
This study examines how conversing with passengers in a vehicle differs from conversing on a cell phone. while driving. We compared how well drivers were able to deal with the demands of driving when, journal assignment. conversing on a cell phone, conversing with a passenger, journal assignment, and when driving without any distraction.
the conversation conditions, participants were instructed to converse with a friend about past experiences. in which their life was threatened. The results show that the number of driving errors was highest in the. cell phone condition; in passenger conversations more references were made to traffic, and the production. rate of the driver and the complexity of speech of both interlocutors dropped in response to an increase.
in the demand of the traffic. The results indicate that passenger conversations differ from cell phone. conversations because the surrounding traffic not only becomes journal assignment topic of the conversation, helping.
driver and passenger to share situation awareness, but the driving condition also has a direct influence. on the complexity of journal assignment conversation, thereby mitigating the potential negative effects of a conversation.
Keywords: shared attention, driver distraction, cell phone conversation, journal assignment, passenger conversation. Salt Lake City, UT E-mail: [email protected]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied Copyright by the American Psychological Association. Means and Standard Deviations for Lane Keeping, Driving Speed, and Distance for Both, journal assignment.
Means and Standard Deviations for Production and Complexity for Driver and Passenger in, journal assignment. Both Experimental Conditions and Low Demand and Moderate Demand Driving Scenarios. Berthold, journal assignment, A. Representation und Verarbeitung sprachlicher Indikatoren, journal assignment.
mobile telephoning on driving performance. Clark, H, journal assignment. Schaefer, E. Contributing to discourse. reaction time in a braking journal assignment. Young Eds, journal assignment.
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· You are here because you have been tasked to complete an assignment. This sample guide (Essay Sample on Academic Journal) illustrates what is expected, and how you are expected to complete your blogger.com can use this sample guide with proper reference; if you are looking for an assignment to submit, please contact us for a non-plagiarized paper Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins You can create journal assignments that are broad and student-directed. Students can reflect on the learning process and document changes in their perceptions and attitudes. Students can describe the problems faced and how they solved them. You can also create instructor-directed journal entries that are more formal in nature Assignment On Character Journal Analysis. Words7 Pages. 'Character Journal' Assignment: Re-understanding through Rosenblatt and Britton. Context of the Challenging Situation One aspect of my student-teaching experience involved working with my mentor teacher on pre-existing plans for her grade 8 English language arts (ELA) class
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