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Loyalty definition essay

Loyalty definition essay

loyalty definition essay

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Loyalty virtue essay

Loyalty is usually seen as a virtue, albeit a problematic one. It is constituted centrally by perseverance in an association to which a person has become intrinsically committed as a matter of his or her identity. Its paradigmatic expression is found in close friendship, to which loyalty is integral, but many other relationships and associations seek to encourage it as an aspect of affiliation or membership: families expect it, organizations often demand it, and countries do what they can to foster it.

May one also have loyalty loyalty definition essay principles or other abstractions? Two key issues in the discussion of loyalty concern its status as a virtue and, if that status is granted, the limits to which loyalty ought to be subject. Until recently, loyalty did not attract much attention in Western philosophical writing, loyalty definition essay.

Because of its focus on familial relations, Confucian thought has long been interested in loyalty Goldin. Foust, a, Nevertheless, loyalty definition essay, dimensions of the phenomenon that we now recognize as loyalty are as ancient as human association, albeit often manifested in its breaches disloyalty, betrayal.

The Old Testament writers were continually occupied with the fickleness of human commitments, whether to God or to each other. To characterize it they tended to loyalty definition essay the language of un faithfulness, though nowadays we might be inclined to use the more restricted language of in fidelity, which has regard to specific commitments. In medieval to early modern uses of the term, loyalty came to be affirmed primarily in the oath or pledge of fealty or allegiance sworn by a vassal to his lord.

That had an interesting offshoot as monarchical feudalism lost sway: loyal subjects who were torn by the venality of sitting sovereigns found it necessary—as part of their effort to avoid charges of treason—to distinguish their ongoing loyalty to the institution of kingship from their loyalty to a particular king. As a working definition, loyalty can be characterized as a practical disposition to persist in an intrinsically valued though not necessarily valuable associational attachment, loyalty definition essay, where that involves a potentially costly commitment to secure or at least not to jeopardize the interests or well-being of the object of loyalty.

For the most part, an association that we come to value for its own sake is also one with which we come to identify as mine or ours. The nature of loyal attachment is a matter of debate. The strong feelings and devotion often associated with loyalty have led some to assert that loyalty is only or primarily a feeling or sentiment—an affective bondedness that may express itself in deeds, the latter more as an epiphenomenon than as its core.

But feelings of loyalty are probably not constitutive of loyalty, even if it is unusual to find loyalty that is affectless. Those who focus on loyalty as a sentiment often intend to deny that loyalty might be rationally motivated. But even though expressions of loyalty are not maximizing in cost-benefit termsthe decision to commit oneself loyally may be rational, for one need loyalty definition essay indeed, ought not to enter into associations blindly, or—even when they are initially unavoidable as with familial or national ones —accept their demands unthinkingly.

Moreover, once made, such commitments may be forfeited by the objects of loyalty should there be serious failure on their part, or they may be overridden in the face of significantly greater claims. One loyalty may trump another. Unsentimental loyalties, such as the zealous but unsentimental professional loyalty of a lawyer to a client, are not unthinking, but have their rationale in professional or associational telesuch as that of the adversarial system however, see McConnell.

It is to this shared professional commitment that the lawyer is ultimately committed, loyalty definition essay as a matter of mere sentiment but of deliberated choice. Given what is often seen as the self-sacrificial character of individual loyalty, such loyalty is taken to be directed primarily to group survival West, But it is not clear what any such explanatory account shows.

Nor would it impugn what loyalty has come to be that it began as a survival mechanism presuming an adaptive account to be correct, loyalty definition essay. Although we often speak of loyalty as though it were a relatively free-floating practical disposition—which it occasionally is—it is more common to associate loyalty with certain natural or conventional groupings. Our loyalty tends to be expressed in loyalties. That is, loyalty definition essay, it is not just a general affiliational attachment, but one that is tied to certain kinds of natural or conventional associations, such as friendships, families, organizations, professions, countries, and religions.

There is a reason for this. Associations that evoke and exact our loyalty definition essay tend to be those with which we have become deeply involved or identified. We have come to value the associational bond for its own sake whatever may have originally motivated it, loyalty definition essay.

Our loyalties are not just to any groups that may exist, or even to any group with which we have some association, but only to those to which we are sufficiently closely bound to call ours. My loyalties are to my friends, my family, my profession, loyalty definition essay, or our country, loyalty definition essay, not yours, loyalty definition essay, unless yours are also mine.

We feel shame or pride in their doings. We will take extra risks or bear special burdens for them. Although our primary loyalties tend to be associations or groupings that are socially valued, such that loyalty may seem to be an important practical disposition, this need not be the case, loyalty definition essay. For in theory, any association can become intrinsically important to us, whether or not it is generally valued, and it may do so even if it is socially despised.

Football teams and coffee chains, gangs and crime families, may become objects of loyalty no less than professional associations and siblings. This raises the important question whether judgments about the worth of loyalty are reducible to judgments about the worth of the associations to which loyalty is given or the legitimacy of what is done as a result of them.

Does loyalty have any value independent of the particular associational object with which it is connected or is its value bound up exclusively with the object of loyalty? There is disagreement on this paralleling disagreements about the obligatoriness of promise keeping. Some would argue that loyalty is virtuous or vicious depending on what is done out of loyalty, loyalty definition essay. Others would argue that loyalty is always virtuous, though overridden when associated with immoral conduct.

Consider the complicated case of a loyal Nazi. Ewin would argue that because a Nazi can be loyal, loyalty could not be a virtue, for the virtues are internally linked to the idea of good judgment.

Whether that follows can be disputed. The loyal Nazi might express that loyalty in a number of ways as a husband and loyalty definition essay, as a compassionate co-worker, or as a scourge of Jews and in at least some of these ways loyalty would appear to function as a virtue unless, perhaps, there is some special Nazi way of being a husband.

In the more interesting case of a loyal Nazi whose loyalty expresses itself in anti-semitic forms, we could respond in one of two ways. On the one hand, we could point to the fact that the loyalty is likely to aggravate the harm caused. On the other hand, were such a Nazi to act disloyally by allowing Jews who bribed him to escape, we could argue that he is doubly deficient—self-serving and defective in his capacity to form close bonds.

Certainly the value of particular associations is of importance to loyalty definition essay we value loyalty to them; but it is doubtful whether the value of loyalty is simply reducible to the value of the association in question. Failures of loyalty often result in betrayal of Bsometimes to C.

The loyal A will get up at 2. No third party is involved, but there will be a cost to A. The essence of disloyalty is more likely to be found in the blandishments of self-interest or self-maximization than in external temptations C. Some defenders and critics of loyalty take the frequent presence of C as a reason for seeing loyalty as inherently exclusionary. No doubt some loyalties—especially political ones—frequently express themselves in such terms.

But jingoism is not necessary to patriotic loyalty pace Tolstoyand in most contexts the privileging of an object of loyalty B does not require treating others C badly. Loyalty is generally seen as a particularistic virtue. That is, it privileges certain groups or individuals. Are particularistic obligations subsumable under universalistic ones honor your father and mother or are they independently derived? If the latter, do they stand in permanent tension obligations to the poor vs. How, if loyalty definition essay all, are conflicts to be resolved?

The discussion has its modern roots in Enlightenment ideas of equal respect and of what is therefore owed to all by virtue of their common humanity. Both consequentialist and Kantian universalism have some difficulty in accommodating particularist virtues such as loyalty, and on occasion have eschewed the latter. Although most classical theorists have tended to accord moral priority to universalistic values, there have been important exceptions. Although Oldenquist denies that there is a nontribal, loyalty definition essay, universalist morality, thus seeking to deprive the universalist of any independent traction, he does not do much to establish the primacy of the tribal apart from its temporal priority.

Williams obviously has a point, though even he concedes that such projects are not impervious to universalistic challenges Williams, loyalty definition essay, 17— Many systematic moral theorists attempt to loyalty definition essay particularistic virtues such as loyalty in larger universalistic premises.

Hare, for example, adopts a two-tiered consequentialist position that seeks to justify the particularistic obligations of loyalty within a broader consequentialist schema: we contribute more effectively to overall well-being if we foster particularistic obligations.

Unfortunately, simply being aware of the larger schema may be sufficient to evacuate the particularistic obligation of much of its power—and, indeed, loyalty definition essay, to call it into question.

According to Railton, loyalty definition essay, there are good consequentialist reasons for particularistic preferences, consequentialist reasons that do not undercut but honor the particularism of those preferences. That, he believes, does not require that the agent subjectively decide to maximize the good—indeed, it may require that the agent not make such calculations.

Overall, then, a loyalty definition essay to friends and family, and commitment to ground projects may maximize good, even though, were one to make a subjective calculation, it would undermine the loyalty or commitment. Although there is some debate about the success of this strategy Wilcox; Coneeit goes some way to countering the common perception that universalistic or impersonal theories can find no place for particularist obligations.

Another two-tiered system, but of a nonconsequentialist variety, loyalty definition essay, is suggested by Alan Gewirth, who accords primacy to the principle that it is a necessary condition for human agency that all be accorded equal rights to freedom and well-being.

That commitment, he believes, will also be sufficient to ground special obligations such as those finding expression in personal, familial, and national loyalties.

Such voluntary associations are formed not merely for instrumental purposes, as contributions to our freedom, but are expressive of it. It may be that particularistic obligations such as those of loyalty have to be considered as sui generis, products not simply of our common humanity but of our sociality, of the self-realizing significance of associational bonds—most particularly friendships, but loyalty definition essay various other associational connections that come to be constitutive of our identity and ingredients in our flourishing.

That leaves, of course, loyalty definition essay, the problem of resolving conflicts with universalistic obligations when they occur. The primary subjects of loyalty tend to be individual persons, but loyalty is not restricted to these.

Mutuality is a feature of loyalty definition essay loyalties, and it is often a normative expectation of the loyal individual that the collectivity to which the individual is loyal will also be loyal in return Ogunyemi. Just as we personify organizations, regarding them as in some sense responsible actors, so we can attribute loyalty to them or—more often—bemoan their lack of loyalty to those who have been loyal to them.

May animals be loyal? Tales of canine loyalty are legion, and even among wild animals, especially those that move in social groups, loyalty is often said to be shown, loyalty definition essay. To the extent that loyalty is seen as an adaptive sentiment, we may think that animals are capable of loyalty.

That may be a convenient way of characterizing animal behavior what Aristotle refers to as a "natural" virtuethough, as Fletcher observes, the loyalty definition essay of loyalty shown is limited because such loyalty cannot be betrayed. As noted, the primary objects of loyalty tend to be persons, personal collectivities, loyalty definition essay, or quasi-persons such as organizations or social groups. Some argue that it is only to such that we can be loyal Ladd; Baron.

There is some reason to favor the more restrictive focus for loyalty. Our core loyalties, which also happen to be those that are psychologically more powerful Walzer, 5loyalty definition essay to secure the integrity of our particular human associations. To the extent that our moral obligations encompass not only our relations with other human beings in general but also our relationships with particular others—our friends, families, fellow citizens, and so on—loyalty will be partially constitutive and sustaining of these particular others in contexts in which narrow or short-term self-interest is likely to be better served by abandoning them.

If we further argue that the core of morality is concerned with the quality of relationships that people have with each other, both as fellow humans and in the various associative groups that they form, then loyalty will constitute an important loyalty definition essay of that relational network.

Although the particularism of loyalty is sometimes thought to be loyalty definition essay problematic, there is nothing in theory that prevents the particular group being the whole human race pace Ladd. In contexts in which the human race can itself be viewed as a collectivity, loyalty to it may sometimes be attributed.

In identifying with the object of our loyalty, there is usually implicit in our loyalty a judgment that its object meshes with that for which we stand. That is, embedded in those associations to which our loyalty is given are certain presumptions about the compatibility of the basic values attributable to the object of loyalty with those to which we are committed not that the loyalty definition essay themselves are what ground the loyalty, for that might suggest that the loyalty is to the values.

essay on loyalty

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Definition Essay Topics and Student’s Writing Guide from EssayPro

loyalty definition essay

Aug 21,  · 1. Introduction Background. Until recently, loyalty did not attract much attention in Western philosophical writing. Most of the detailed engagement with loyalty came from creative writers (Aeschylus, Galsworthy, Conrad), business and marketing scholars (Goman; Jacoby & Chestnut), psychologists (Zdaniuk & Levine), psychiatrists (Böszörményi-Nagy), sociologists (Connor), religion Aug 25,  · What Is a Definition Essay? Before we move on directly to the full definition essay topics list developed by experts, we should recall the main idea of this type of academic assignment.. It is a type of academic essay that shows up as a multilateral English dictionary entry with both official meaning of the word and the writer’s interpretation with examples Feb 07,  · Content of this article Topic list Download Definition essay structure Introduction Body Conclusion Summary A definition essay is an essay written by students in order to define some concept, term, or word. This essay explains something that is not well known. The definition must be thorough and long. It is essential that you choose a word that will give you plenty to write

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