Thursday, October 7, 2021

Violence on television essay

Violence on television essay

violence on television essay

Television Violence The article “Television Violence: The Power and the Peril” is an article written by George Gerbner in that covers information about television violence over a period of twenty one years. Gerbner’s purpose in this article is to address the audience about the problems that exist in television today  · Television is the most important sourc of information. It plays a significant role in people’s lives. In these days, people spend a lot of time "Violence on Television Essay" Violence can be found everywhere on television, for instance in news or even cartoons. Many TV shows actually base themselves around violence in the form of fighting and murder. When viewers closely follow these shows, they extract the violent messages that are shown and sometimes act them out. Violence can also play positive roles on society by scaring viewers away from horrifying events and showing the various ways that violence Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

Violence on TV - Words | Essay Example

It is said that television and media violence on television essay about new problems that are evident in the modern day and age. In reality, there is a great difference and separation between the violence that is seen on TV and that in real life, as people will not become aggressive if their character is not based on aggression. For a long time, there has been a debate that violence in the media causes more aggressive behavior in the person.

There have been numerous studies, but the evidence is somewhat controversial. The majority of people believe that the causation of violent behavior by media is exaggerated. The social theorists suppose that people learn by modeling and imitating behavior.

There have been experiments where such imitation would be violence on television essay with children as participants. It has yielded imprecise results Wells, Further studies and experimentation have not established any particular correlation because of the control variables being too fluid.

An important concept in movies and media is that they constantly remind the viewer that it is only the authorized people, like police officers and other authorities, are allowed to use violence as a last resource, violence on television essay.

In many instances, there is added humor, even though it does not diminish the violent and dangerous nature of the situation where a person is killed or their life is threatened. In general, it is possible to assume that a person might get desensitized towards violence, blood, aggression and criminal behavior. It has been proven that the more a person is confronted with a certain stimuli, the more they will get used to it. This can be violence on television essay in many examples from real life Casey, But people realize that it is a movie and a false, staged situation.

A real life occurrence would be very different. For example, if a movie does not have graphic images or scenes, it might create an idea of violence where people are controlled against their will or held hostage. From one perspective, it is said that the person will learn to like the violence and use it in real life.

If a person does not like to smoke, they will not get used to it by constantly smoking. Or if someone likes a certain color or smell, violence on television essay, a person cannot be made to like or unlike something. In the end, it is possible to see that there must be a link between violence and an already existing personal predisposition to it.

The only people who will get affected by graphic violent media are those who require ideas in how to manifest own violent behavior. From this perspective, it would be better if violence was excluded from media and movies, violence on television essay. It can be left simple, as if when a person gets shot or hit, there are no close-ups to show the wound or any blood. It would be useful to promote that the only moral of the violence on television essay in relation to violence is that it is unlawful and unwanted by anyone.

Most evidence supports the fact that there must be a predisposition towards violence. It very much depends on an individual. A person who is kind and moral will not resolve to violence because it will conflict with violence on television essay core moral beliefs, and no matter how often they see violence on the news or in movies, each time they will feel appalled and will not simulate such behavior Freedman, It is clear that a person, who resolved to violence, either grew up in aggressive circumstances where they thought that it was allowed or possible or they have some genetic malfunction, violence on television essay.

Majority of people are taught that violence is wrong and will not be tolerated by the law and society. Unfortunately, the evolving technology is becoming a greater part of human life. The 3D or hologram affects, not to mention virtual reality, can stimulate senses in ways that were not possible before. There is very little evidence as to how the body and genetic information reacts and what it stores, violence on television essay.

There is a slight chance that a person who watches violence all their life and becomes desensitized to violence on television essay pain and suffering, will record that violence on television essay in genes and pass it on to the next generation Holtzman, In any case, there is always a limit as to violence on TV and its nature. The modern society wants to see more blood, which is evident from many movies, and the types of people that watch those movies are of specific character.

But the general public seems unharmed by media, as it is too character specific. Casey, Bernadette. Television studies: the key concepts. New York, NY: Routledge, Freedman, Jonathan. Media violence and its effect on aggression: Assessing the scientific evidence. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, violence on television essay, Wells, Alan, violence on television essay.

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How Violent Media Affects Young People

, time: 5:14

Television Violence and its Impact on Society essay

violence on television essay

Violence on TV Essay Words | 9 Pages. Violence on TV For a long time now the debate has been, and continues to be, as to whether or not violence on television makes children more violent. As with all contentious issues there are both proponents and detractors Essay Television Violence Words | 3 Pages. Television Violence Violence is one of the most primary and controversial issues in today’s society. And true that violence is on the rise. A major concern for many parents is the violence within television shows and movies, and the effect on children’s aggression Television Violence and its Impact on Society essay. Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Today, the impact of television on the audience is still significant that raises the public concerns about the possible negative impact of television violence on society (Machlis &

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